External Resources

Planning, Design, and Construction of Health Care Facilities

“…if workers need to run wire above a ceiling, they can “contain" just the area they're working in by building a plastic cube around the work area and putting the cube under negative pressure with a small negative air unit or HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaner."

Chapter 3 : Joint Commission and Joint Commission International Considerations

Infection Prevention and Control Issues in the Environment of Care

“In patient care areas, for major repairs that include removal of ceiling tiles and disruption of the space above the false ceiling, use plastic sheets or prefabricated plastic units to contain dust; use a negative air pressure system within this enclosure to remove dust; and either pass air through an industrial-grade, portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter capable of filtration rates of 300-800 ft./min or exhaust air directly to the outside."

Chapter 6: Construction and Renovation


"I am an electrician and work in a hospital. We very often need to work above drop ceilings. Infection Control measures require us to create barriers, use HEPA Air Filtration machines, and follow other procedures. The DZ-PRO is a godsend for working above drop ceilings. We have purchased 2 DZ-PRO's. These units have served us well. I don't see customer service like this much anymore. Excellent product and excellent customer service.”

- Rick Dalos -